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IKMB: Blood Group DB
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ISBT num Name Abbreviation Alleles Antigens Genes Description
001 ABO ABO 204 4 The ABO system was discovered as in 1900 and is considered the first and clinic…
002 MNS MNS 48 49 The MNS blood group system consists of 48 antigens carried on glycophorin A (GP…
003 P1PK P1PK 44 4 The gene A4GALT encodes 4-a-galactosyltransferase, the enzyme that synthesizes …
004 Rh RH 599 63 The Rh blood group system consists of 54 antigens carried on two proteins (RhD …
005 Lutheran LU 36 27 The Lutheran blood group system consists of 29 antigens carried on a single pas…
006 Kell KEL 122 39 The Kell blood group system consists of 36 antigens carried on a type II transm…
007 Lewis LE 5 2 The Lewis blood group antigens, e.g. Lea and Leb, are part of carbohydrate moie…
008 Duffy FY 31 6 The Duffy blood group system consists of five antigens carried on a multipass m…
009 Kidd JK 62 3 The Kidd blood group system consists of 3 antigens carried on a multipass type …
010 Diego DI 25 22 The Diego blood group system consists of 23 antigens carried on a multipass mem…
011 YT YT 5 5 The Yt blood group system consists of 5 antigens carried on a membrane bound GP…
012 XG XG 7 0 The XG blood group system consists of 2 antigens carried on 2 single-pass glyco…
013 Scianna SC 10 7 The Scianna blood group system consists of 9 antigens carried on a single pass…
014 Dombrock DO 19 10 The Dombrock blood group system consists of 10 antigens carried on a GPI-linked…
015 Colton CO 10 4 The Colton blood group system consists of four antigens carried on a multipass …
016 LW LW 3 7 The LW blood group system consists of three antigens carried on a glycoprotein …
017 Chido/Rodgers CH/RG 14 0 The Chido/Rodgers blood group system consists of nine antigens, which located o…
018 H H 100 1 The H blood group system consists of one antigen, H, that is carried on glycoli…
019 Kx XK 67 1 The Kx blood group system contains one antigen carried on a multipass protein o…
020 Gerbich GE 21 12 The Gerbich blood group system consists of 11 antigens carried on a single pass…
021 Cromer CROM 18 20 The Cromer blood group system consists of 16 antigens carried on a GPI-linked g…
022 Knops KN 7 9 The Knops blood group system consists of 9 antigens carried on a glycoprotein o…
023 IN IN 6 6 The IN blood group system consists of 6 antigens carried on a glycoprotein (CD4…
024 OK OK 4 3 The OK blood group system consists of 3 antigens carried on a single pass type …
025 Raph RAPH 5 1 The Raph blood group system consists of one antigen (MER2) carried on a multipa…
026 JMH JMH 7 6 The JMH blood group system consists of seven antigens carried on a GPI-linked g…
027 I I 14 1 The I blood group system consists of one antigen, I, carried on branched carboh…
028 GLOB GLOB 15 4 The GLOB system was acknowledged in 2002 when the P or globoside antigen was mo…
029 GIL GIL 2 1 The GIL blood group system consists of one antigen carried on a multipass membr…
030 RHAG RHAG 45 5 The RHAG blood group system consists of three antigens carried on a multipass m…
031 FORS FORS 6 1 The FORS blood group system consists of one antigen (rare) and the carbohydrate…
032 JR JR 31 1 The JR blood group system consists of one antigen carried on a multipass membra…
033 LAN LAN 44 1 The LAN blood group system consists of one antigen carried on a multipass membr…
034 Vel VEL 7 1 The Vel blood group system consists of one antigen that is dependent on the exp…
035 CD59 CD59 6 1 The CD59 blood group system consists of 1 antigen carried on a 20 kDa glycosylp…
036 Augustine AUG 5 4 The Augustine (AUG) blood group system consists of four antigens carried on a m…
037 KANNO KANNO 2 0 The KANNO blood group system consists of one antigen, KANNO1, carried on a GPI-…
038 Sda SID 5 0 Sda or SID1, the only antigen of the SID blood group system, was discovered in …
039 CTL2 CTL2 3 0 The CTL2 blood group system consists of two high-prevalence antigens, VER and R…
040 PEL PEL 5 0 The PEL blood group system consists of one high-prevalence antigen, PEL, initia…
041 MAM MAM 6 0 The MAM blood group system consists of one antigen, MAM, carried on epithelial …
042 EMM EMM 9 0 The EMM blood group system consists of one antigen, Emm, carried on the glycosy…
043 ABCC1 ABCC1 2 0 ABCC1 is also known as MRP1 “Multidrug Resistance Protein 1”. It was initially …
044 ER ER 6 2 The Er blood group system consists of five antigens carried on Piezo Type Mecha…
Transcription factor GATA1 GATA1 2 0 This gene encodes a hematopoietic-specific transcription factor that induces hi…
Transcription factor EKLF EKLF 74 0 KLF1 encodes EKLF (erythroid Krüppel-like factor 1) which does not represent a …
[1] A
[2] B
[3] A,B
[4] A1
[1] M
[2] N
[3] S
[4] s
[5] U
[6] He
[7] Mia
[8] Mc
[9] Vw
[10] Mur
[11] Mg
[12] Vr
[13] Me
[14] Mta
[15] Sta
[16] Ria
[17] Cla
[18] Nya
[19] Hut
[20] Hil
[21] Mv
[22] Far
[23] sD
[24] Mit
[25] Dantu
[26] Hop
[27] Nob
[28] Ena
[29] ENKT
[30] N
[31] Or
[32] DANE
[33] TSEN
[34] MINY
[35] MUT
[36] SAT
[37] ERIK
[38] Osa
[39] ENEP
[40] ENEH
[41] HAG
[42] ENAV
[43] MARS
[44] ENDA
[45] ENEV
[46] MNTD
[47] SARA
[48] KIPP
[49] JENU
[1] P1
[2] ...
[3] Pk
[4] NOR
[1] D
[2] C
[3] E
[4] c
[5] e
[6] f
[7] Ce
[8] Cw
[9] Cx
[10] V
[11] Ew
[12] G
[13] ...
[14] ...
[15] ...
[16] ...
[17] Hro
[18] Hr
[19] hrS
[20] VS
[21] CG
[22] CE
[23] Dw
[24] ...
[25] ...
[26] c-like
[27] cE
[28] hrH
[29] Rh29
[30] Goa
[31] hrB
[32] Rh32
[33] Rh33
[34] HrB
[35] Rh35
[36] Bea
[37] Evans
[38] ...
[39] Rh39
[40] Tar
[41] Rh41
[42] Rh42
[43] Crawford
[44] Nou
[45] Riv
[46] Sec
[47] Dav
[48] JAL
[49] STEM
[50] FPTT
[51] MAR
[52] BARC
[53] JAHK
[54] DAK
[55] LOCR
[56] CENR
[57] CEST
[58] CELO
[59] CEAG
[60] PARG
[61] CEVF
[62] CEWA
[99] Cx
[1] Lua
[2] Lub
[3] Lu3
[4] Lu4
[5] Lu5
[6] Lu6
[7] Lu7
[8] Lu8
[9] Lu9
[10] ...
[11] Lu11
[12] Lu12
[13] Lu13
[14] Lu14
[15] ...
[16] Lu16
[17] Lu17
[18] Aua
[19] Aub
[20] Lu20
[21] Lu21
[22] LURC
[23] LUIT
[24] LUGA
[25] LUAC
[26] LUBI
[27] LUYA
[1] K
[2] k
[3] Kpa
[4] Kpb
[5] Ku
[6] Jsa
[7] Jsb
[10] Ula
[11] K11
[12] K12
[13] K13
[14] K14
[16] K16
[17] K17
[18] K18
[19] K19
[20] Km
[21] Kpc
[22] K22
[23] K23
[24] K24
[25] VLAN
[26] TOU
[27] RAZ
[28] VONG
[29] KALT
[30] KTIM
[31] KYO
[32] KUCI
[33] KANT
[34] KASH
[35] KELP
[36] KETI
[37] KHUL
[38] KYOR
[39] KEAL
[1] Lea
[2] Leb
[1] Fya
[2] Fyb
[3] Fy3
[4] ...
[5] Fy5
[6] Fy6
[1] Jka
[2] Jkb
[3] Jk3
[1] Dia
[2] Dib
[3] Wra
[4] Wrb
[5] Wda
[6] Rba
[7] WARR
[8] ELO
[9] Wu
[10] Bpa
[11] Moa
[12] Hga
[13] Vga
[14] Swa
[15] BOW
[16] NFLD
[17] Jna
[18] KREP
[19] Tra
[20] Fra
[21] SW1
[22] DISK
[1] Yta
[2] Ytb
[3] YTEG
[4] YTLI
[5] YTOT
[1] Sc1
[2] Sc2
[3] Sc3
[4] Rd
[5] STAR
[6] SCER
[7] SCAN
[1] Doa
[2] Dob
[3] Gya
[4] Hy
[5] Joa
[6] DOYA
[7] DOMR
[8] DOLG
[9] DOLC
[10] DODE
[1] Coa
[2] Cob
[3] Co3
[4] Co4
[1] ...
[2] ...
[3] ...
[4] ...
[5] LWa
[6] LWab
[7] LWb
[1] H
[1] Kx
[1] ...
[2] Ge2
[3] Ge3
[4] Ge4
[5] Wb
[6] Lsa
[7] Ana
[8] Dha
[9] GEIS
[10] GEPL
[11] GEAT
[12] GETI
[1] Cra
[2] Tca
[3] Tcb
[4] Tcc
[5] Dra
[6] Esa
[7] IFC
[8] WESa
[9] WESb
[10] UMC
[11] GUTI
[12] SERF
[13] ZENA
[14] CROV
[15] CRAM
[16] CROZ
[17] CRUE
[18] CRAG
[19] CROK
[20] CORS
[1] Kna
[2] Knb
[3] McCa
[4] Sl1
[5] Yka
[6] McCb
[7] Sl2
[8] Sl3
[9] KCAM
[1] Ina
[2] Inb
[3] INFI
[4] INJA
[5] INRA
[6] INSL
[1] Oka
[2] OKGV
[3] OKVM
[1] MER2
[1] JMH
[2] JMHK
[3] JMHL
[4] JMHG
[5] JMHM
[6] JMHQ
[1] I
[1] P
[2] ...
[3] ...
[4] PX2
[1] GIL
[1] Duclos
[2] Ola
[3] DSLK
[4] ...
[5] Kg
[1] FORS1
[1] Jra
[1] Lan
[1] Vel
[1] CD59.1
[1] Aug1
[2] Ata
[3] ATML
[4] ATAM
[1] ER1
[2] ER2
Quick Filter:
ISBT num Name Abbreviation Contacts
003 P1PK P1PK
004 Rh RH
005 Lutheran LU
006 Kell KEL
007 Lewis LE
008 Duffy FY
009 Kidd JK
010 Diego DI
011 YT YT
012 XG XG
013 Scianna SC
014 Dombrock DO
015 Colton CO
016 LW LW
017 Chido/Rodgers CH/RG
018 H H
019 Kx XK
020 Gerbich GE
021 Cromer CROM
022 Knops KN
023 IN IN
024 OK OK
025 Raph RAPH
027 I I
032 JR JR
034 Vel VEL
035 CD59 CD59
036 Augustine AUG
038 Sda SID
039 CTL2 CTL2
044 ER ER
Transcription factor GATA1 GATA1
Transcription factor EKLF EKLF
Feedback Message Please select a contact from the left table by clicking on the desired name.