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IKMB: Blood Group DB

020 GE

The Gerbich blood group system consists of 11 antigens carried on a single pass type I membrane glycoprotein with called glycophorin C (GPC) and/or glycophorin D (GPD). GPC consists of 128 amino acids and GPD, the shorter isoform, has 107 amino acids. The glycoproteins are encoded by GYPC, or GE if analysis is to predict a blood group antigen.

[1] ...
[2] Ge2
[3] Ge3
[4] Ge4
[5] Wb
[6] Lsa
[7] Ana
[8] Dha
[9] GEIS
[10] GEPL
[11] GEAT
[12] GETI
Reference Info
Gene: GYPC
Allele: GE*01
Seq: NG_007479.1 (genomic), NM_002101.4 (transcript), NP_001243513.1 NP_002092.1 NP_058131.1 (protein)
Entrez GeneID: 2995
Uniprot ID: P04921
Number of exons: 4 (hg19), 4 (hg38)
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