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IKMB: Blood Group DB

008 FY

The Duffy blood group system consists of five antigens carried on a multipass membrane glycoprotein called the Atypical Chemokine Receptor 1 (ACKR1), CD234 (previously known as Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines: DARC). It consists of 336 (major) and 338 (minor) amino acids. The major transcript is derived from exon 1 and exon 2 of ACKR1; the minor product is a transcript initiated at the beginning of exon 2. The amino terminus is predicted to be extracellular and the carboxyl terminus intracellular.

[1] Fya
[2] Fyb
[3] Fy3
[4] ...
[5] Fy5
[6] Fy6
Reference Info
Gene: ACKR1
Allele: -
Seq: NG_011626.2 (genomic), NM_002036.4 (transcript), NP_001116423.1 NP_002027.2 (protein)
Entrez GeneID: 2532
Uniprot ID: Q16570
Number of exons: 2 (hg19), 2 (hg38)
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